Wednesday, April 13, 2011

hump day = almost made it !

{one} have you ever fainted?
no. thankfully.

{two} what is your favorite casino game?
i've only been to a casino a handful of times so slot machines are the only thing i know how to do, and i can't even do those very well !

{three} do you have a good sense of direction?
i like to think so.
{four} laptop or desktop?
laptop for home, desktop for work.

{five} what is your go-to hair style when having a bad hair day?
i am a mom to a 2 yr old & a 6 mo. old, every day is a bad hair day.
so basically, curly/frizzy down or pulled back in a bun type style
yes i am aware that neither of these are very cute.

{six} do you read the newspaper on a daily basis?

{seven} do you have a favorite celebrity chef?
does the show top chef count? i really like that show and technically all of the contestants are celebrities now.

{eight} what tv show would you like to make a guest appearance on?
the name is on the tip of my tounge, i can't think of it. it's the one on tlc where they throw out all of your existing wardrobe and take you shopping! that one.

{nine} do you have satellite radio in your car?
yes and thank goodness for it !

{ten} what was the last movie that made you cry?
the switch with Jenifer Aniston. it was just so sweet.
if you haven't seen it you should.
i won't give anything away, but the scene where the little boy explains the significance of his picture frame collection is just the sweetest!!
Tomorrow is my Friday at work , hooray!!!
We are going to Oak Mountain to see these boys:
 and a few of our best friends!
We've got 4 couples total and we're staying in a cabin at the state park!
We're gonna do this:
drink a lot of these :
and a WHOLE lot of this

Lord knows we  need a VACATION to breathe!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

a day late.

i intended to put this up yesterday, but got busy (playing the internet) at work and forgot :)

         one} what is one food that, as an adult you love, but as a child you said you’d never touch?
 turnip greens.
i used to watch my grandaddy eat turnip green, pinto beans, cornbread and buttermilk
and i remember thinking -yuck !! the buttermilk i still won't touch, but the rest - yummy!

{two} did you go to college? if yes, what was your major?
too many to list, i dabbled in several majors while there, and unfortunately never graduated.
then went to Aveda and graduated in Esthiology & now i'm a secretary - go figure.
school is in the cards for me in the future though, i can feel it !

{three} what’s the most wild animal you’ve seen in real life (not counting the zoo)?
 my cat flo. i kid you not she must have been a bobcat in disguise.
other than her they've all been in a zoo

{four} have you ever been to a fortune teller?

{five} can you juggle?
 haven't tried, probably won't try.
i'm not that coordinated.
{six} hardwood floors or carpet?
 depends on which room in the house. i like carpet in the bedrooms.
{seven} is it called “soda” or “pop”?
{eight} what was your first car?
 a silver mustang off the showroom floor.
i was blessed.
although i should have been given a piece of junk the way i drove that thing.
it wasn't even 6 months down the road that i wrecked totaled it out.

{nine} what is the most decadent dessert you’ve ever eaten?
my favorite dessert is the bread pudding at Walker's .
bread pudding anywhere really.

{ten} how often do you rearrange your furniture?
all the time. i can't stand for things to look the same for too long.

I feel like we've been so busy lately, but we haven't really done that much.

The last time I posted we were heading to the delta to go to the Catfish Festival.
That did not happen.
We went to the delta, but we ended up hanging around my mom's house the whole time.
We spent the whole day Saturday outside. We washed our car and her car and drove around looking at what had changed around town - most of it is still the same. I wouldn't like it if things changed too much there.
It always feels like the days go by slower there ( in a good way)
Saturday night, Tj started complaining about his throat hurting, so after multiple Walgreens trips for medicine and sick people food, he went to bed for the night.
Sunday morning we , minus Tj went to eat lunch with Lyl and Ben at the Crystal Grill
Nothing like going there on Sunday to see everyone, their mama, and grandmama. (Literally!)
I saw so many people that I had not seen in a looong time!
I wish I had taken pictures of Lyl with the boys, but Preston wouldn't have it and Greer just wanted his bottle.
Overall, we enjoyed our weekend at home. I think we'll be going back again soon! ;)

yay - it's almost Friday!
i think i'll spend this weekend doing this:
ok. not really- i'll be sitting outside wishing i was somewhere like that.