Wednesday, April 13, 2011

hump day = almost made it !

{one} have you ever fainted?
no. thankfully.

{two} what is your favorite casino game?
i've only been to a casino a handful of times so slot machines are the only thing i know how to do, and i can't even do those very well !

{three} do you have a good sense of direction?
i like to think so.
{four} laptop or desktop?
laptop for home, desktop for work.

{five} what is your go-to hair style when having a bad hair day?
i am a mom to a 2 yr old & a 6 mo. old, every day is a bad hair day.
so basically, curly/frizzy down or pulled back in a bun type style
yes i am aware that neither of these are very cute.

{six} do you read the newspaper on a daily basis?

{seven} do you have a favorite celebrity chef?
does the show top chef count? i really like that show and technically all of the contestants are celebrities now.

{eight} what tv show would you like to make a guest appearance on?
the name is on the tip of my tounge, i can't think of it. it's the one on tlc where they throw out all of your existing wardrobe and take you shopping! that one.

{nine} do you have satellite radio in your car?
yes and thank goodness for it !

{ten} what was the last movie that made you cry?
the switch with Jenifer Aniston. it was just so sweet.
if you haven't seen it you should.
i won't give anything away, but the scene where the little boy explains the significance of his picture frame collection is just the sweetest!!
Tomorrow is my Friday at work , hooray!!!
We are going to Oak Mountain to see these boys:
 and a few of our best friends!
We've got 4 couples total and we're staying in a cabin at the state park!
We're gonna do this:
drink a lot of these :
and a WHOLE lot of this

Lord knows we  need a VACATION to breathe!!

1 comment:

  1. i hope you had a great vacation!
    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie
